Club Policy and Procedures


    • California Odyssey Soccer Club (COSC) announcement of tryout dates will be posted on our website and Facebook pages.  Any child meeting the age requirements is eligible to tryout.

    • Each parent or guardian shall complete and sign a tryout registration form that includes a medical waiver for COSC.

    • Existing COSC players are evaluated on an annual basis by our coaching staff; however existing players should attend all scheduled tryout dates.

    • Each player attending tryouts will be evaluated by COSC staff coaches that may include the team’s coach. 

    • Evaluation sheets will be turned into the Director of Coaching (DOC) or Team Head Coach at the end of each tryout session for review.  A team for each age group shall be comprised of players as evaluated by the COSC coaching staff, with DOC making final decisions on roster placement.

    • All players trying out for an age group should attend all tryout dates for their appropriate age group team.  Each age group will hold tryouts on one field with all players trying out together.  Existing COSC players who have been playing up an age group must try out for their age appropriate team.  COSC players wishing to tryout up must receive prior written approval from the DOC.

    • Tryouts will be conducted in a professional manner.  Each participant will be given an equal opportunity with no segregation of any players. 

    • Offers to players for roster placement may be extended via phone, email, or in person.  All players will be notified within 15 days of the close of the tryout window if they have not been offered a roster position.


    • If there are enough players available to form more than one team that would be competitive. 

    • If there are enough qualified coaches available to adequately staff the needs of both teams.

    • The decision to form multiple teams in an age group will be made by the COSC Directors.  This will be determined after review of the evaluations made by the age group evaluation team.

    • Every effort will be made by the COSC Staff to create an atmosphere that fosters close and friendly relationships between the teams in a same age group, encouraging the teams to help each other improve and develop. These efforts may include scheduling practices at the same day, time, and field if possible so that the players can interact.

    • In appropriate age groups, the Red team will be formed by selecting the highest rated players by the COSC Staff. The White team will be selected from the next highest rated players and so on.


    • All players wishing to “play-up” must request permission by submitting the “Request to Tryout an Age Group Up” form located at  Written approval from the DOC prior to attending the tryouts is necessary in order to be eligible to tryout up.  If no written approval is provided, that player may not participate in the tryout.


    • Learn and understand the COSC Mission

    • Build Champions for Life

    • Create a positive soccer environment for players, coaches, parents, and fans.

    • Develop soccer skills and knowledge.

    • Develop teamwork and camaraderie.


    • All coaches, players, and parents must understand and comply with this agreement which identifies parent and player codes of conduct, financial responsibility, and donation of time.


    • A COSC coach will develop their players to the best of their abilities and focus on development over winning

    • A COSC coach will always conduct themselves as a responsible adult when dealing with players; both legally and ethically

    • A COSC coach will plan and supervise training sessions that are instructive and fun

    • A COSC coach will motivate and teach with positive reinforcement

    • A COSC coach will notify COSC of incidents that may compromise the integrity of the team or club

    • A COSC coach will abide by the rules, policies, and procedures of the team and club

    • A COSC coach will strive to enhance the 4 pillars of soccer development.  Technical, Tactical, Psychological and Physical development

    • A COSC coach will ensure that players wear their uniform in a proper and complete fashion

    • A COSC coach will work hard to promote players within their team and club

    • A COSC coach will display a positive attitude toward all players, parents, and officials

    • A COSC coach will treat players and parents with respect and conduct themselves in a professional manner

    • A COSC coach will refrain from making negative comments to any players, coaches, or parents

    • A COSC coach will develop positive life qualities (i.e. discipline, teamwork, etc.) in COSC players

    • A COSC coach will respect all game officials and their decisions

    • A COSC coach will provide genuine cooperation to coaches within my teams age group

    • A COSC coach will not discriminate against anyone

    • A COSC coach will refrain from using profane or vulgar language in the presence of players

    • A COSC coach will provide honest and truthful evaluations of the players skill

    • A COSC coach will always be responsible to clean up bench area (both home and away) after training and games

    • A COSC coach will honor the “Conflict Resolution Process” and address a parents concern if the proper course of action has been followed

    • A COSC coach will always remember that they represent the California Odyssey Soccer Club 


    • A COSC player will abide by all but not limited to US Soccer, US CLUB, CYSA, NorCal Premier, and COSC policies, procedures, and rules

    • A COSC player will always play by the rules and respect the game of soccer

    • A COSC player will be punctual and prepared to all team and COSC activities

    • A COSC player will focus on playing soccer and affecting the outcome of the game with their best effort.  Work hard for their team, as well as for yourself, and remember you are only as good as the players around you.

    • A COSC player will encourage their teammates with positive comments and applaud them for a job well done

    • A COSC player will understand the value of being a member of a “Club” and always put “Club” before “Team”,  and ”Team” before “Self”  when making decisions regarding COSC

    • A COSC player will keep control of their emotions; will never retaliate when you feel you have been wronged

    • A COSC player understands they are representing COSC and will display positive character for the club, team, and self while engaging in all COSC activities.  They will cooperate and be respectful to all management, coaches, teammates, parents, opponents, fans, and referees

    • A COSC player will keep in mind that the decisions made off the field may affect your ability to perform on it

    • A COSC player recognizes the importance of scholastic excellence to pursue life goals

    • A COSC player will always wear COSC approved training and game gear to all training sessions, scrimmages, games, and tournaments

    • A COSC player will make every effort to participate in Community Events scheduled by COSC  throughout each season

    • A COSC player caught using illegal drugs or alcohol while under the supervision of a COSC Staff member will be subject for immediate removal from COSC

    • A COSC player will always be gracious in victory and dignified in defeat

    • A COSC player understands that they may be suspended for an indefinite amount of time, or removed  from COSC for violation of one or more of the above codes of conduct


    • A COSC parent will respect the coaching staff and their decisions

    • A COSC parent understands that I am obligated to pay scheduled membership fees based on my child’s team which are due at the in full on the 1st of each month

    • A COSC parent will not enter the field of play during a training session, scrimmage, or game unless asked to do so by the coach

    • A COSC parent will not verbally or physically abuse, confront, taunt, harass, or demean a coach, manager, player, parent, or referee at any time

    • A COSC parent understands to address a coach regarding playing time or playing position there must be a 48 hour cooling off period before communicating with the coach

    • A COSC parent understands they cannot coach their child or any others from the sideline or anywhere else during training sessions, scrimmages, or games unless they are assigned by a coach of the team or a COSC Director

    • A COSC parent will follow the Chain of Command to resolve an issue.  Bylaws,  Policies and Procedures can also be found at

    • A COSC parent will not conspire with other parents or any individual, group, or entities to undermine the authority of any coach, the program, or COSC

    • A COSC parent will make every effort to allow my child to attend all training sessions, scrimmages, games, tournaments, as well as team and COSC functions.

    • A COSC parent understands that there are consequences if the policies and procedures of the club are not fulfilled including but not limited to the removal from COSC.

    Team support Structure

    • Each team MUST have a Team Manager


    • Each team shall wear a COSC BOD approved uniform at all league and tournament games.  No team shall place any logo or any other form of advertising on any part of the uniform, equipment, ball, or sundry item unless the COSC BOD has approved in writing.  All teams must attach as described by COSC any logo or advertising material that the COSC BOD has designated.  Failure to comply may result in penalties as severe as placing the team in bad standing, which would preclude that team from participating in any and all training, scrimmages, games, and tournaments.

    Recruiting Flyers

    • Flyers that are to be used for recruiting at other than informational night need to be reviewed and approved by a COSC Director prior to being distributed.

    Payment Refund Policy

    • A player’s parent(s) must notify the COSC Executive Director by email submission of a completed “Intent to Drop” form.  It must be understood by the parent that once the COSC Executive Director has been notified the player must no longer attend training.  Upon proper notification, COSC BOD will make a decision on the player’s intent to drop.  If the BOD by majority decides to release the player from their financial commitment to COSC, the club will collect no additional membership fees for that player starting with the next full month.  No refunds will be processed for playing time issues, coaching issues, or policy issues or any other matter relating to the individuals dissatisfaction with such.  This will apply to any and all programs administered by COSC including but not limited to the United States Soccer Development Academy and Girls Elite Programs.  This policy will supersede any and all policies, requirements, and rules of any and all programs COSC is affiliated to without exception. 


    When a player is injured and the condition affects the player’s ability to physically compete or train with the team, the following guidelines are used by the team coach, manager, and parent of the player to discuss and agree to the extent of the injury and the financial requirements to pay club fees.

    • TEMPORARY INJURIES: (sprained ankles, twists, sickness, etc…) lasting days or weeks shall not affect the payment of tournament or club dues.

    • TEMPORARY TO SEVERE INJURIES: those injuries that can sideline the player for a minimum of two (2) months.  Dues will not continue to accrue for the period of the injury.  All players are required to provide written verification from a medical doctor stating they have been injured and are unable to compete and also when they are cleared/released to resume training and play.  The written verification is to be presented to the coach and submitted to the club.

    • SEVERE OR SEASON ENDING INJURIES: Paid dues are not refunded.  All other future dues will be suspended.  All players are required to provide written verification from a medical doctor stating they have been injured and are unable to compete and also when they are cleared/released to resume training and play.  The written verification is to be presented to the coach and submitted to the club. 


    • COSC encourages open lines of communication from the membership

    • In the case of dissatisfaction, the conflict resolution process must be followed

    • Conferences attended by the coach, player, and parents to address concerns can be scheduled

    • COSC coaches will discuss progress any time other than one hour before or after a game or during training sessions

    • COSC players will receive annual evaluations


    If you should have any concerns (other than playing issues) during your COSC experience, please use the following Chain of Command to resolve your issue:

    • Schedule a meeting and discuss with your Team Manager in attempt to resolve

    • Schedule a meeting and discuss with your Team Coach in attempt to resolve

    • Schedule a meeting and discuss with a COSC Director in attempt to resolve

    • Schedule a meeting with Soccer Council and attempt to resolve

    • If after following all the Conflict Resolution Process the issue has not been addressed, the matter will go to the Punishment and Discipline (PAD) committee.  See COSC Bylaws Section 4.03

    • The members of the COSC Board of Directors (BOD) encourage keeping lines of communication open, not only within your team but also with the BOD.  Any board member is more than willing to listen and discuss any concerns or issues that may arise through a season regarding players, parents, coaches, COSC staff, or trainers.  We all support the same goals for our children playing soccer


    • Attendance at training and games is expected

    • Attendance at other team and club functions are strongly encouraged

    • If a parent cannot attend, allow your player to go with another family when possible

    • Player should never miss for transportation reasons

    • Notify coach as soon as possible if a player cannot attend due to but not limited to illness, family or school commitment, etc.

    • Playing time may be reduced at coach’s discretion recognizing that players who attend are in some cases physically, mentally, or tactically prepared to play.


    • COSC players and parents will follow and abide by US Soccer’s Respect Campaign

    • Players, coaches, and parents MUST show respect for referees during and after games

    • Players and parents should not talk to referees or referee assistants or comment on their calls.  The only person who should be communicating with the referee is the COSC Staff Coach, and this MUST be done in a professional manner

    • Referee styles vary from game to game and we MUST respect their decisions regardless how we perceive we have been treated

    • Players and coaches cannot afford to be distracted by a referee’s call, but MUST adjust to the outcome of a call regardless of our personal opinion

    • Coaches and parents highly influence the personality of a team and set the example and tone for our players


    • Positive encouragement of players during games as well at home

    • Positive comments about the club, team, and players to others

    • Support the team no matter the situation or result

    • It is easy to be positive and supportive when things are going well and a team is winning, however it is much more important to be encouraging and supportive when the team is struggling

    • Allow the coach to focus on the game without interruption

    • No negative comments about any players


    • Help the players arrive at the field on time

    • Support the coach in his instruction before, during, and after games

    • Absolutely NO coaching the team or its players from the sideline

    • Allow the players to relax and interact with teammates between games 


    • Any member of COSC wishing to play with another team within COSC shall seek approval from their coach, the guest coach, and the DOC. Any requests to play for outside teams or clubs other than COSC shall be discussed and reviewed by the COSC DOC.  Decisions will be on a case by case basis and will always be made with the best interest of the club, team, and player in mind.

    • If a COSC team is using a guest player (someone with a pass from a club other than COSC) for a tournament, that player must pay $50 to play in the tournament.  All COSC coaches shall seek approval from the COSC DOC.  This $50 fee is payable to COSC and should be given to the Club Executive Director.  The $50 fee makes this player eligible for two (2) tournaments during the same playing season.  If the same player plays in more than two (2) tournaments (in the same season) the fee for the 3rd and subsequent tournaments is $100 per event.

    • If a COSC team is requesting a COSC pass for a player to guest play with their team who is not registered with US Club Soccer, the fees are then $75 to play in the tournament.  All COSC coaches shall seek approval from the COSC DOC.  This $75 fee is payable to COSC and should be given to the Club Executive Director.  This $75 fee makes the player eligible for two (2) tournaments during the same playing season.  If the same player plays in more than two (2) tournaments (in the same season) the fee for the 3rd and subsequent tournaments is $100 per event.  The player pass MUST be returned to the Club DOC once the player has completed play in each tournament.  This will aide in tracking the pass and fees for guest players who are issued a California Odyssey players pass. 


    It is the intent of California Odyssey Soccer Club (COSC) to provide an affordable playing opportunity for all members and every effort will be made to minimize unnecessary expenses.  In order for COSC to meet its financial obligations, it is important that all players also meet their financial obligations to COSC. 


    • I understand that I am responsible to pay the annual membership fees for the year once committing to a COSC roster unless I qualify for the medical release or have written Board of Director’s approval to suspend my monthly fees by submitting the “Intent to Drop” document to the COSC Executive Director.

    • I understand that I am obligated to pay scheduled fees based on my child’s team which are due in full on the 1st of each month.

    • I understand that payments made after the 7th of the month will be considered past due and will be subject to a $20 late charge which should be paid in addition to the monthly fees at the time of payment. Example: June fees are due on June 1 but no later than June 7th.  Payment made on June 8th is late and will incur a $20 late charge; thus, you must pay your monthly fee AND the $20 late charge.

    • I understand any player whose account has remained past due on the last day of the month will have his/her player pass pulled and will not be reinstated until the balance is paid in full or a written payment agreement has been signed by parents and COSC Executive Director.

    • I understand that a player’s account must be in good standing (not past due) in order for him/her to participate in COSC benefits such as US Soccer Training Centers, Girls Elite, player identification programs, COSC training sessions, position specific training sessions, annual tryouts, etc…

    • I understand that a player’s account must be in good standing (not past due) in order for him/her to be released to another Club.

    • I understand that the season may extend beyond the average period due to State, Regional, or National Cup participation; in such case, monthly COSC fees will extend as appropriate.

    • I understand that parent and player signatures are required in order to participate.  If a parent or player fails to complete any obligation or violate the Codes of Conduct, the child’s players pass may be pulled; preventing the child from participating in upcoming games, tournaments, or training sessions, or in more severe and/or repeat instances, the player and family may be dismissed from COSC.

    • I understand that if my child’s account is more than 90 days past due the account will be sent to collections. 


    Once a player has accepted a roster spot on a team, the player will be required to register through our online registration system found at  During the registration process, the system will require a credit/debit card that will be used to complete the registration of your player.  “Initial Registration Fees” MUST be paid for a player to be eligible to participate with COSC. 

    • COSC will enforce a “No Pay, No Play” Policy.

    • Registration fees are non-refundable.


    COSC will use an Automated Clearing House (ACH) system (electronic payment) for membership dues.  Each player who has accepted a roster position within COSC is required to fill out the ACH information during the registration process. The ACH system will be set up to withdrawal your membership dues on the 1st of each month you are in season with COSC.

    • Membership dues are due on the 1st of each month via credit card or bank debit card. 

    • Membership dues are determined by the team (age group) your child is selected to play with. 

    • Membership dues can be located at under the fee structure tab.

    • The season may extend beyond the normal payment period due to State, Regional, or National Cup participation; in such case, membership dues will extend as appropriate. 


    • Team Managers will open their own team accounts at Wells Fargo Bank to cover the per diem, hotel, and league expenses. It is the responsibility of the team manager and team head coach to insure that these fees are properly budgeted and collected amongst the players on a roster.


    COSC coaches per diem will be at the following rate:

    • $90 per day or actual costs substantiated by receipts.

    • Example: Travel on Friday, games on Saturday and Sunday, travel home Sunday= Three (3) days per diem.


    • COSC recommends that the Head Coach Hotel fee is taken care of by the parent group. 

    • Team managers should make every attempt to get the coach’s room for FREE based upon the team staying at the hotel.  This is a common practice for hotels with traveling soccer teams; usually they have a threshold of how many rooms you need to get one complimentary.  Every effort should be made to take care of coaching expenses while keeping a fair budget for the parents. If the Head Coach incurs an actual Hotel expense it should be reimbursed in full but the reimbursement shall not exceed the actual cost of the team hotel for the specific/given event.


    Parents may opt out of mandatory fundraising events by paying $100 to COSC. However we encourage all members to participate in the fundraising efforts in the spirit of the growth of our Club.

    • Additional fundraising opportunities can be found on the home page of our web site.

    • Excess monies that have been raised will remain with either the Team or the Club, they are not refundable.


    • It is mandatory for parents to volunteer two shifts of 4 hours at a Club tournament or other COSC event.  Volunteering for a TEAM fundraiser does not satisfy your Club obligation.  You may “buy out” of your volunteer obligations for a $100.00 fee.

    • Teams may not compete with COSC fundraisers. 

    • No tax deductible donations may be paid out to individual members, players, or parents.  On occasion you may receive emails from carefully selected third parties offering services and/or fundraising opportunities.  These emails will always include an opt-out option.

    • COSC understands that personal financial situations may change.  When these situations impact the payment of COSC fees, it is the player’s/parent’s responsibility to open a dialogue with the COSC Executive Director to work out a plan to make their account current.
